Robert Wainwright At Ginger Fox
Beaumaris Books
In association with ABC Books and
Harper Collins Publishers
Proudly presents an evening with
To coincide with the release of his new book
When: Wednesday 17th May 7.30pm
Where: GINGER FOX 23-25 South Concourse, Beaumaris
Cost: $50 includes admission, finger food AND a copy of either
Miss Muriel Matters OR The Brilliant Outsider
Beverages at bar prices.
**Phone credit card bookings accepted**
Phone: 9589 4638
Bookings Essential
Robert Wainwright is a well-known journalist and the author of several topical books. He has written books about Rose Porteous, Caroline Byrne, Martin Bryant, George Ingle Finch, and Ian Thorpe. The author of the bestselling Sheila: the Australian beauty who bewitched British society, he lives in London with his wife, Paola Totaro and their family.
Miss Muriel Matters A captivating new biography of the Australian actress who became one of London’s most famous suffragists. In 1909 a young Australian actress made headlines around the world when she took to the sky over the British Houses of Parliament in an airship emblazoned with the slogan ‘Votes for Women’. When prevailing winds forced her to sail around London instead, she dropped leaflets all over the city. The American media declared it to be the world’s first aerial protest. A year earlier, Muriel Matters, who became known as ‘that daring Australian girl’, became the first woman to make a speech in Parliament after chaining herself to a brass grille to protest against women being segregated in the Parliament. She was sent to Holloway Prison for her crime, and on her release added prison reform to her list of campaigns. Muriel Matters went on to become one of the most famous suffragists of her day, touring England in a horse-drawn caravan to promote her cause. Her skill as an orator drew crowds in their thousands.
The Brilliant Outsider (previously published as The Maverick Mountaineer)- The first full-length biography of George Ingle Finch maverick Australian mountaineer, scientist, concert pianist and father of actor Peter Finch. George Ingle Finch, mountaineer, soldier, scientist, rebellious spirit, boy from the bush,was in his day one of the most famous men in the world. In 1922 he stood at the highest point on Everest, a feat not bettered for 30 years. He invented the predecessor to the puffer jacket and pioneered the use of oxygen in climbing. A World War I hero whose skills also helped save London from burning to the ground during the Blitz of World War II, he was a renowned scientist who was personally chosen by Nehru, the first Indian prime minister, to help lead his nation into the modern world.With a private life torn by war and misguided by social norms, a reputation as an outsider among the British alpine climbing establishment, and some rough and ready 'colonial' habits, Finch was a brilliantly colourful character .