Maggie BEER with Professor Ralph Martins [SOLD OUT]

Maggie BEER with Professor Ralph Martins [SOLD OUT]



Beaumaris Books

In association with Simon & Schuster Australia

proudly presents an evening with

MAGGIE BEER & Professor Ralph Martins


Maggie’s Recipe for Life

When:  Tuesday 17th October, 7.30pm

             Beach Rd near the corner of Cromer Rd, Beaumaris VIC 3193

Cost:    $60 includes admission, finger food AND a copy of Maggie’s Recipe for Life
             Ticket only $45
             Beverages at bar prices.

**Phone credit card bookings accepted**

Phone: 9589 4638

Bookings Essential


Maggie’s Recipe for Life- Maggie Beer and Professor Ralph Martins have teamed up to fight one of the most debilitating diseases of our later years. Based on the latest scientific research, Maggie has created more than 200 recipes that help provide the nutrients we need for optimum brain health. More than one million Australians are affected every day by Alzheimer’s or its impact on their family but the good news is that you can eat well to age well, from this moment on. The proceeds from Maggie’s Recipe for Life will be shared between the Maggie Beer Foundation and the Lions
Alzheimer’s Research Foundation.

“This book is so important to me. To have a healthy old age you must act now, whether you are 30 or 50. I have two greatpassions – sharing my love of cooking delicious simple food and improving the health and nutrition of older people. I hope this cookbook does both but it’s not for ‘old’ people, it’s for you. I have been delighted to work with leading Alzheimer’s researcher Professor Ralph Martins in recent years and I have learned that if we are to avoid Alzheimer’s and other lifestyle diseases it is what we eat today that matters. This is not a diet book – it’s a way of life.” -Maggie Beer

Maggie Beer’s many cookbooks include Maggie’s Harvest, Maggie’s Kitchen and Maggie’s Verjuice Cookbook. As well as overseeing Maggie Beer Products in the Barossa Valley, SA, Maggie appears as a judge on The Great Australian Bake-Off and heads up the Maggie Beer Foundation committed to providing a good food life for all.
Professor Ralph Martins is Professor of Neurobiology at Macquarie University, NSW, and Foundation Chair in Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease at Edith Cowan University, WA.

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