Annabel Crabb SOLD OUT
Beaumaris Books
In association with Murdoch Books
Proudly presents an evening with
To coincide with the release of her new book
SPECIAL GUEST Recipes for the happily imperfect host
When: Tuesday 20th Nov 2018, 7.00pm
Please note earlier start time. Doors open 6.45
Beach Rd near the corner of Cromer Rd, Beaumaris
Cost: $60 includes admission, finger food AND a copy of Special Guest
Ticket only $40
Beverages at bar prices. **Phone credit card bookings accepted**
Phone: 9589 4638 E-mail: read@beaumarisbooks.com.au Bookings Essential
Special guest– If you are someone who prepares for guests by sweeping bills, laundry and newspapers behind sofa cushions, take heart! It’s possible to be an imperfect host, but happily so. The essential ingredient is not, paradoxically, the food, nor the perfect house to host in, but the sentiment you convey when you open the door. Do your eyes say: ‘I like you and I enjoy your company’, or does a weepy cloud of visceral horror descend as pine nuts burn gently in the kitchen. Special Guest is a gentle guide to turning easy basic fare into something of a celebration. Learn the lesson of ‘one splendid thing done well’ without regard to the hundred other things, and call your day a success. Pick up some pointers for the modern conundrum that is cooking for people with seemingly incompatible dietary requirements. Hosting your friends is not about showing off; it is about delighting others. Your dining table may be decorated with a pile of unmatched socks and kids’ homework, but that’s no reason not to invite friends in for a chat, a sit-down and something delicious to eat.
Annabel Crabb is one of Australia’s most loved TV and media personalities. She is a Walkley-Award-Winning political journalist and host of her own ABC TV shows The House and Kitchen Cabinet. Annabel is in constant demand to host, lecture, give keynotes, and other appearances for everything from writers’ festivals to restaurant awards. Her tweets reach an audience of over 470,000 and she has a top-ranking podcast with fellow ABC journalist Leigh Sales, for which she is hounded by ‘Chat 10 Looks 3’ groupies. Usually they’re offering cake.
WENDY SHARPE is Annabel’s oldest friend from pre-school days. She is a recipe consultant on Kitchen Cabinet, fellow baking tragic and mother of three. She lives in London